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Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Analysis

What exactly is dermatoglyphics?

The palms of the hands and the soles of the feet are etched by distinct alternating ridges and grooves that together make up dermatoglyphics.

Medical research has shown that the formation of fingerprints begins at week 13 of the embryonic stage and continues until week 19.These patterns are formed from the external ectoderm and usually occur during the foetal development stage, 13 to 19 weeks after fertilization.

What is the DMIT (Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test)?

DMIT is the scientific study of the dermatoglyphs (ridge patterns) of the fingers, which has many applications in the fields of psychology, medicine, and anthropology.

Dermatoglyphics refers to the branch of science which constitutes the study of the patterns of skin (dermal ridges) present on the fingers, toes, and soles of humans. The Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence test is a biometric assessment of the individual’s fingers to get an insight into his brain.

Who came up with this test?

A brief history of this concept:


Harold Cummins proposed "Dermatoglyphics" as the proper noun for the study of fingerprints at the American Morphological Society. Dermatoglyphics has now been recognised as a professional knowledge in the field of research.1958

Noel Jaquin researched and found that each fingerprint corresponds to each type of personality. 1981

Professor Roger W. Sperry and his co-researchers were awarded the Nobel Prize in Biomedicine for their research work on the left and right brain functions as well as dual-brain theory. 2005

Prof. Lin Ruei filed for patency in Dermatoglyphics. 2008

Prof. Lin Ruei got U.S. Patent Dermatoglyphics (7406186).

What are the proposed benefits of DMIT for a child?

• Determine your child's innate strengths and weaknesses• Create an environment conducive to their overall development• Provide them with the necessary push in the best way possible• Incorporate teaching methods best suited to them

We use this test to find the best match between tutor and child, as well as customise teaching methods suitable to the child, as per the analysis.

Midbrain Activation Workshop

The purpose of Midbrain activation is to awaken the child's maximum potential and to tap the hidden genius in a child. Activating the midbrain at a young age allows kids to utilise their full potential throughout their lives.

Since the midbrain is responsible for communication with the left and right hemispheres of the brain, the process of "activating" the midbrain will result in better communication with the left and right hemispheres. It also allows both the left and right brain to be used simultaneously.

Psychometric Tests

Psychometric tests are a standard and scientific method used to measure individuals' mental capabilities and behavioural style. Psychometric tests are designed to measure candidates' suitability for a role based on the required personality characteristics and aptitude (or cognitive abilities). They identify the extent to which candidates' personality and cognitive abilities match those required to perform the role.

We make sure our tutors go through these tests and are apt for the role after analysis of their results.

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